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Make a One-Time Gift Now: Choose your gift

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Weekly Offertory

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Trinity Tuition Assistance Fund

Your entire donation helps qualifying families, with partial tuition assistance, to enroll their children in our Catholic school.

One Parish One Prisoner (OPOP)

Your donation helps our sponsored inmate re-enter society in a Christ-like supported way.

Photo by Nikodem Nijaki

One Time Gift

Use the Notes box to indicate the specific collection or fund to which your One Time Gift should be applied.

"Vincent de Paul" by Simon François de Tours (1606-1671)

St. Vincent de Paul Society

Capital Needs

Mass Intentions

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RE Tuition

First Communion Fee

Confirmation Fee

Baptism Donation

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Station School (Rwanda)

Memorial Bricks & Leaf

CRS Rice Bowl

Catholic Relief Service's Rice Bowl

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Giving Tuesday