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Events at St. Joan of Arc

First Reconciliation and First Eucharist Sacrament Prep Registration

All children in second grade, who have been enrolled in 1 year of Sunday Faith Formation or 1 year of Catholic school will begin preparing to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time.

Contact Claire Thompson with any questions at

Treats and Tours

Please help us as we prepare for the new priests arrival! Take a tour of the Parish Office and Rectory on Sunday, May 15 and find out how you can help!

Centennial Christmas Ornament Order Form

We are offering a limited number of Christmas ornaments featuring our Centennial logo with the church.  Pre-orders will be available through November 21 with anticipated pickup available prior to Christmas.  We do not anticipate having extra stock available for purchase when they arrive.  For more information contact Melinda Rivelli at 

Totus Tuus

New form description

Community Garden

Hello gardeners.


It’s time!  A few new gardeners have joined the effort.  Please welcome them. I have less time to devote to the garden given my real job responsibilities now--that means I need each gardener to help with some of the maintenance--especially to get things started in the next few weeks.  If you would like extra beds or know someone who would like to garden, LMK. Three open.  


Saturday, May 6, from 10-2 pm is set for a garden cleanup.  I'll have tools, gloves and trashbags.  Please do your part.  Meet us for an hour or all day.  If you cannot join us on May 6, please let me know what date works for you.  Donate an hour or two.  

  • Sunday, April 30

  • Sunday, May 7

  • Saturday, May 13


1. Map 2023--Check your bed location and fees.

2. Commitment Agreement--Return to the St. Joan of Arc Parish Business Office, 4217 Central Avenue, 46205, check or cash. LMK if you prefer electronic payment.

3. Gardener list. 



Turn in your paperwork and fees by April 22, 2023.  


Thanks so much for your contributions and your help as we let the garden serve as a positive and creative zone in the neighborhood.  Let’s do our part to maintain the garden.




Kathleen Berry Graham

SJOA Family Pre-Sale

Pre-Order your French Market Tickets and don't get jammed up the day of!

Confirmation Prep and Retreat Registration

For all members of the parish 7th-12th grade who wish to be confirmed in the Catholic Church.

First session starts November 9, 2023. Sessions will be held at St. Joan of Arc Parish Office Lower Level.

Contact Claire Thompson with any questions at

The Confirmation Retreat is a requirement of the preparation process to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. The retreat process allows candidates to prepare their souls and minds for the sacrament. Each candidate will have the opportunity to receive the graces of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, dive deeper into their call for sainthood, and experience personal prayer.